Profile of A Student

A successful graduate from the school is :

Intellectually competent

Has mastered those academic subjects required for the respective public examination, skills of language, critical thinking, power of expression both oral and written, gradually leading on to greater precision, personal style, curiosity to explore ideas, initiative and creativity. Enjoys learning and takes pride and ownership in his/her work and has awareness of the dignity of labour and civic sense, has realistic aspirations and is aware of the need of plan for the future.

Morally Sound

Developing moral attitude and principles as he/she grows towards moral maturity, assimilating values, especially the values stressed in the preamble to the Constitution of India - Justice-social, economic and political - liberty, equality and fraternity. Translates moral judgements into moral actions, is able to give mature reasons for making a moral decision.

Spiritually awakened

Is aware of God's presence and action in creation, in human history and in his own personal history. Has experienced moments of God's love in his/her personal life. Has appropriate knowledge of the basic doctrines of his/her faith. Has had some exposure to the religious traditions other than, his/her own. Understands the significance of the main religious festivals in the county. Is learning through his/her own failure of the need for healing by reconciliation with friends and God.

Catholic pupils in particular

Has read the Gospels and encountered the person of Christ as he is presented in the New Testament. Has the basic understanding of the Church's teaching about jesus and his redeeming mission. Has established a personal relationship with the historical person of Jesus Christ and formed himself/herself into a 'person for other' and has some familiarity with Church's teaching on social justice. Appreciate the importance of the Eucharist and other sacraments in the life of the Christian community and can participate in them meaningfully.


Is learning to accept onself with one's own strengths and weaknesses. Communicates more easily with others. Has experienced the support of various levels of community in the school and has learned to extend support in building up the school community. Feels at ease with persons of the opposite sex. Has begun to appreciate deeper personal friendship but has also learned that not all relationships and profound and long lasting. Through service of others finds one's life enriched, is more sensitive to the beauty of the created universe.

Committed to the cause of justice

Consciously seeks to the more respectful, understanding, accepting and generous with others, against the attitude and tendencies that leads to injustice. Sees that religious faith implies a commitment to a just society, has been exposed to the needs of the poor in the school and in the outside community and has developed compassion for them. Is aware of the need to help and support those who suffer injustice e.g. women, the poor, the bonded-laborers, the handicapped, refugees and the unemployed. Begins to understand the structural roots of injustice in social institutions, attitudes and customs. understands the complexity of many social issues, is aware of the merits and demerits of mass media T.V. etc.

Open to growth

Is willing to pursue one's own growth because, he/she., wants to be a better person emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and religiously; is beginning to take responsibility for his/her talents and limitations, is aware of feelings and emotions and is beginning to be authentic in expressing them. Is seeking new experiences, new ways of self expression and developing the habit of reflecting on post experience Is becoming more flexible and open to other's points of view. Recognizes hoe much can be learned from a careful listening to peers and others.